- What did you learn?
How to arrange and use type to add specific feelings and style to my work. Also being more involved in composition in general. Editing the images to fit the style of the stamp or image I had in my mind was also challenging.
- What was easy?
Deciding what ideas I should choose was quite easy. I sort of already had the ideas I wanted to work with, it just came down to the execution of the process in the end.
- What was challenging?
Creating the arrangement/composition and finding the “perfect” type to represent what I want was challenging. This part was definitely the most time consuming process as it took time to figure out how I wanted to bring form to my ideas.
- How could your submission be improved?
Perhaps finding better images or using more techniques involving a collage/more advanced background removal could improve the design of the stamps in general. A better choice of colors could also allow for a better composition.
- How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I found the assignment to be well designed. The idea of creating stamps was quite fun. It didn’t feel like work, but more like a puzzle that took a bit of time to figure out.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I think the ability to sort my ideas into actual designs will be the most helpful skill I developed in this assignment. I can definitely see a future where being able to actually describe and execute designs or creative projects in general would require these skills.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
This site was helpful in my understanding of how typography can be used to express creativity or fit with a specific scheme. Without it, I would most likely have gotten stuck of the more creative aspects of these designs when it came to choosing fonts.