1. What did you learn? – In this lab I worked on cleaning up images I took. The biggest change I made to each was changing the brightness and contrast. |
2. What was easy? – I found it pretty easy to make small adjustments that made the colors much more vibrant |
3. What was challenging? – Some of the pictures were a bit blurry, I had trouble trying to reduce it and make them sharper. |
4. How could your submission be improved? – I would say I could add some more subtle effects such as light feathering. |
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? – As an intro assignment I would say this is pretty straight forward. A good intro to resize images and prepare them for posting. |
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? – In the future I imagine I would always want to touch up any images I take before posting them. |
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? – For this lab I just referred to the class slides. |
Compare your photo with the one from Unsplash. What are the differences? Why is one “better quality” than the other?
- The unsplashed images are very crisp and colorful. I was able to make my pictures more vibrant but not as crisps.
Compare your photos with the scans. What are the differences? Why is one “better quality” than the other?
- The scans always look better than a photo taken of a picture. That way there is no light glare or other instances that a camera might pick up that a scanner will not.
What could you do to improve the quality of the images acquired by each method?
- What I think could have been better in my lab is the images. Just going back to step 1 of taking them I could’ve had better quality shots without as much blur.