1. What did you learn? – This lab was about compiling images touching them up and preparing them to be posted online. |
2. What was easy? – I’ve had experience with Brackets so posting the images and their thumbnails was familiar. Also organizing them in Figma went smoothly. |
3. What was challenging? – What I found to be the most challenging/time consuming was resizing and touching up all of the images along with creating the thumbnails. |
4. How could your submission be improved? – I could’ve spent more time touching up each individual image. Trying to get all 16 ready I was not trying to get each perfect. |
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? – Perhaps if we had something before hand that worked with resizing images so we had them ready going into this project. |
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? – This assignment essentially covers the whole process of cleaning images and posting them to the web. This will definitely be relevant for something such as light web design. |
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? – For this project I referred to the internet to answered some questions regarding how to properly resize images in photoshop. |