1. What did you learn? – This lab employed the paint bucket tool to fill in spaces of an artboard with color. I had never used it like this before. |
2. What was easy? – I created a lot of lines using the pencil tool. Just doing random strokes on the page generated some interesting patterns. |
3. What was challenging? – I had big trouble with the paint bucket. It was not recognizing the areas I wanted it to and it was filling over some of my lines. I had to be a little creative to get it to work |
4. How could your submission be improved? – Because of my issues with the paint bucket I was not able to get the exact pattern I wanted. If I could, I would alter it. |
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? – There appear to be some issues with the paint bucket. It was giving me lots of trouble like combining shapes. |
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? – I would imagine doing what we did here could generate a very interesting background if you wanted a colorful one made from scratch. |
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? – The coolers website was very interesting. I enjoyed using it to pick out colors for the lab to my liking. |