By Alex Breddy
Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a Tuffet

Eating Her Curds and Whey

There Came a Big Spider

Who Sat Down Beside Her

And Frightened Miss Muffet Away

Reflection Questions
1. What did you learn?
I learned how to combine simple shapes to make bigger figures that could be used to tell a story. I have learned how to frame figures better using the rule of thirds. I have learned and gotten more comfortable using Figma for creating art.
2. What was easy?
Putting together shapes to make figures like the spider and Miss Muffet was pretty easy and creating images using figure/ ground, repetition, and proximity gestalt principles.
3. What was challenging?
Trying to get certain shapes to line up and avoiding symmetry was difficult, especially with the spider design. A lot of shapes overlap creating a cluttered look. Only being able to use black and white was difficult when trying to distinguish between Miss Muffet’s head and body. Creating a design for the curds and whey was challenging because of needed 3 layers to display it and trying to make a messy jumbled look.
4. How could your submission be improved?
I could have made more variations of the spider and Miss Muffet in different frames instead of keeping them so similar. I could have created more background in the frames to create a more noticeable environment. I could have tried adding more Gestalt principles in each frame.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I don’t really have any suggestions for improving this project for the next class.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
The knowledge of layout and gestalt principles are the foundation for graphic design so I know I am going to use this knowledge in every project in the future and if I work with graphics.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
The reading posted on d2L was a great starting point on how to use the Gestalt principles to create images. Being able to go over and see what other classmates did helped inspire and teach me what to do and not do.