Desert (Analogus)

Arctic (Monochromatic)

Seascape (Triadic)

Outer Space (Complimentary)

Reflection Questions
1. What did you learn?
I learned how to put together interesting color palettes from monochromatic to triadic. I also learned how to pick colors to create a mood picking warm or cool colors depending on the landscape. Using gradients was another tool I learned to use to blend colors together to prevent sharp contrast. Lastly how to change saturation and tint to create different looking colors.
2. What was easy?
Picking colors and palettes to match the landscape was easy along with setting gradients to give a sense of depth.
3. What was challenging?
Sometimes sticking to colors in the color palette was difficult especially in the monochromatic arctic image. Trying to make a sense of depth with one color is difficult. I also had trouble making it look different between the ice and water. Gradients being see through was also a problem and required making a second shape to create the look of one object hiding behind another.
4. How could your submission be improved?
Possibly with more of a range of landscape looks and other focal points in each image they all are sort of similar. Adding a larger range of shapes could have made the images more interesting but I also did not want to make them too cluttered.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
This was a fun assignment I don’t have any suggestions.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
Knowing how to pick colors is useful for any visual piece and knowing how to use them effectively is key for graphic design and even video.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
Professor Dunkle’s presentations and demonstrations were a good inspiration and so were the smashing magazine articles from the beginning of the unit teaching about color palettes.