Project Reflection:
What did you learn?
I learned how to effectively utilize color schemes and create a landscape strictly based of color schemes.
What was easy?
Once I had a picture in mind of what I wanted to do, it was fairly easy creating them.
What was challenging?
Getting the urban environment to look decent. I wanted to make something a bit more complex than shown in class but it didn’t come out how I planned.
How could your submission be improved?
Yes. As mentioned before, the urban environment needs more work to make it look better. While it’s okay, it’s not what I feel it should be and can be improved more.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
Make it so that each frame is properly labeled and show what colors are being used. This should help others when reviewing the work without having to guess. Also, provide more tutorials regarding Figma. We went through some cool lessons on Figma on how to do some cool things, but this was halfway through the project. It felt like it would take more time to go back and fix it than to plug ahead with what I have and improve the other frames.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I can create more drawings using colors and avoid colors that do no work together.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
The initial class when we went through the color schemes. We did a lab that made us go through each one and make something out of them. Really helped me out when designing this project and helped as a good tool to go back to.