Project Reflection:
What did you learn?
I learned a bit more on using photoshop and how to better incorporate layers and effects on an image. It’s also incredibly hard to make the initial vision into reality.
What was easy?
The initial vison for this piece was relatively easy to come up with. The idea and the sketch stuck with me early on and were easy to work with.
What was challenging?
Actually making the sketch and idea work in photoshop. I had a bit of experience with the program but not much, so getting it to work with me was pretty challenging.
How could your submission be improved?
More layers and effects to better define the foreground and background. As it stands it’s fine, but I feel it could be better.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
More classes or tutorials on Photoshop. It’s a complex program and very easy to get lost in. I feel like I wasted more time working against it than actually working.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I can apply what I learned here toother classes involving photoshop. I feel I can do much better now if were to retry this again,
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
One of the classes, Professor Dunkle went over how to properly apply layers and do so effectively. This lecture saved me a ton time and headaches .