DMA217 Project 3: AR
What did you learn?
I had learned more about Figma, especially in importing and editing videos. Additionally, I had learned how to make the background of videos transparent in Adobe After Effects. Finally, I had further expanded my knowledge of component importing, using UI kits .
What was easy?
The basics, such as creating the general layout, choosing a color palette, and basic component prototyping.
What was challenging?
Throughout the project, I had changed my project idea multiple times, and when I had finally chosen an idea, it fell through do to being too difficult to implement into Figma. Due to that, I needed to restart my project multiple times, causing me to be set back by hours. Other things, such as the component used for pausing and playing videos was very difficult to implement due to the fact that prototypes often cannot have multiple outcomes for one action.
How could your submission be improved?
Some parts of the website could have been continued. For example, the social page could have been more expansive, with the comments sending to a page to view the comments. Additionally, in the demo that was premade for the camera discovery, there could have been other examples with other videos and demonstrations of usage.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I had no major issues about this assignment and how it was done. The only thing that I had issues with that may have been better was if the AR requirement for the project was better described.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
The usage of UI Kits in future projects could prove to be very useful. They helped greatly with the usage of components, and keeping the app professional looking.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
The Wikipedia pages for each of the planets proved very useful in writing my own definition and fun fact for each of the planets that I had included when interacting with the Cosmic Map page.