DMA214 Project 1: Layout
Figma Link:
What did you learn?
I had learned more about Figma, especially in pen tool adjustments and the new updated layout. Furthermore, I had learned about how to use multi-select logic.
What was easy?
I went into this project having a large knowledge of Figma from previous classes, so the basics and navigating were no trouble.
What was challenging?
It was difficult to decide which Gestalt principles to use and how to implement them into the story. Furthermore, the primitive shapes and lack of color palette made it very hard to get the point across concisely without using very abstract ideas to tell the story.
How could your submission be improved?
My submission could be improved by having a better flow between each frame. There was a large variety of value between multiple frames that could have had better consistency.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
People that had not used Figma yet would likely have issues getting into the swing of Figma, it is quite confusing if you pick it up with no prior knowledge. More time to learn Figma could be quite helpful for newer students to the class.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I have developed further skills in Auto-layout, pen tool, importing, exporting, and layout setup in Figma. These skills can all be useful, as they can apply to most projects that require clean formatting.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
The slide shows greatly helped to learn the basics, besides that, websites such as Lyssna were useful, and others which similarly showed how to use and notice many Gestalt principles.