DMA214 Project 2: Color
Figma Link:
What did you learn?
I learned a lot about color schemes and how to make seemingly small color palettes show large ranges of color.
What was easy?
I did not have many issues with choosing color palettes to use. I decided on one before starting, and did not change any of them after.
What was challenging?
I had used the pen tool for nearly everything besides the urban landscape. The pen tool is very tedious and time consuming, but rewarding for the result.
How could your submission be improved?
I was not overly excited about my urban landscape, I could have done more with shapes and shading, and an overall more interesting composition.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I have no issues with this assignment, I thought it was a good project, and did not run into any major problems when working on it.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
Color palette knowledge can transfer to almost anything based on design. Furthermore, I feel as if my skills with the pen tool have greatly improved, which will also be used in many future projects.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
I used this video to learn more about using the pen tool in Figma, which helped to start the project