Project 3 DMA_201

First I want to explain the objective of the game. The game has 4 total coins scattered around the terrain. 3 coins are at random places around the map. The last coin becomes visible after you collect 3 random coins. The last coin is at the space ship. I attend for you to collect what you need to leave the planet.

  • What did you learn?

I basically re-written the C# code. I added a lot of new elements such as adding 4 coins objective and adding object programming.

  • What was easy?

Adding trees and grass to the terrain. Raising and adjusting the height of a terrain. Adding objects to unity. Adding colliders and sound effects was easy.

  • What was challenging?

The most challenging part of this was learning C#. I wanted to be unique with my project although it wasn’t necessary. I learned how to used Java (Oracle) in my computer science class. I realized that C# is extremely similar to Java. So it was easier to understand from the beginning. Figuring out what works in C# and not in java what I am used to.

  • How could your submission be improved?

If I had better objectives and program UI over the game. A map would make looking for coins easier. I could have added better sound effects etc.

  • How could I improve the assignment for the next class?

I could improve my time management better with this project. Game design is extremely time-consuming even for this simple game.

  • How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

I could definitely use this knowledge in the future. I want to be a game programmer and this gave me a taste of what to do when programming a game. This was quite fun.

  • How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

This reading talked about 3D space in Maya. I am currently in 3d graphics so I learn most of this already but this gives a good insight in 3D space.