1. What did you learn? I learned how to build a basic game in the Unreal Engine and some ways that we can make 3D object in the Maya Platform.
2. What was easy? Changing the different patterns on the stuff I put into the game and adding things things that were already in the platform.
3. What was challenging? Creating my own pattern from an image for tiling and creating the objects in Maya.
4. How could your submission be improved? Add some objects that are movable by the player. I didn’t figure out how to make something movable.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? Spend more time going through some of the settings like finding how we could build things that could be moved.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I gain some experience using Maya and Unreal, I could see myself using 3D modeling in the future.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? The video going through creating the pawn in Maya helped a lot. Also building our own tiling.
8. Post images of your work.