1. What did you learn? I learned how to navigate the Figma platform and the different step in creating, ordering and creating links between designs in Figma.
2. What was easy? Creating different pages and adding and add content to the pages after making them.
3. What was challenging? Adding the links between some of the pages to create the web page preview.
4. How could your submission be improved? Add some more background to the pages to dress them up especially the home page.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? Spend more time going through adding the links and creating better backgrounds for the pages.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I gain some experience using Figma that could be helpful in the future when using this platform and learned more about web page design.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? The video going through creating the logo in Figma helped a lot since I never used Figma before that.
8. Post images of your work.