Project #4

For project #4, I was tasked with making a map of a town of my choosing. I learned in this project how to make and use symbols in Illustrator. I think the easiest part of the project was making the scale. The most challenging part of the project was the roads and highways. My submission […]

Project #3

For this project, I had to design a carton for Oat Apple Pie Spice Creamer. I used illustrator techniques including patterns, type in a path, and logo design. I used the colors that I personally thought represented the milk carton and used the description from the real life carton example. I learned how to do […]

Project #2

In this project, I had to make a composition of images I used in the first project. I learned how to do patterns and how to feather images to make them more seamless. I thought the easiest part was to find the images to use in the project. The hardest part of the project was […]

Project #1

In this project, I learned how to use the inDesign and how to format images for print and web. The easiest part of the lab was to figure out what to use as my 16 images. Ever since I went to Disney World, my favorite part is pin trading, and it holds a special place […]