- What did you learn? In this project I learned how to design a mobile app that plays music. This was the first time I had done so this far. I learned more about design systems and how they can be way more complex than I was previously accustomed to. I got better at using components to design. Lastly I think I just gained more experience designing for mobile in general.
- What was easy? The easy part of this project for me was envisioning what I wanted my app to look like. Once I got a few frames down it became easier to build out my app. The logo I think came out pretty good and it was pretty easy to make.
- What was challenging? The challenging part for me was prototyping elements into the project such as a settings button and a keyboard that pulls up. The prototyping in general was pretty tedious and difficult. Lastly, I think deciding how it would stand out was pretty difficult because there isn’t that many music apps out there.
- How could you improve your submission? I think I could improve the submission by adding more frames to it. The explore page for example has a bunch of different genres of music displayed which I could add extra frames to show the music inside those different genres. I could add other features such as a liking a song feature.
- How could the professor improve the assignment? The professor could improve the assignment by showing how to use auto layouts and micro interactions as opposed to waiting for project 3 to do so. As those things would have helped tremendously.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I can apply my knowledge to any job that has UI design in it’s criteria. I can use the skills I gained in this project in future projects involving mobile design and figma.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? I got a lot of my inspiration form this app from Spotify and apple music as those apps are the ones I use the most. I got inspiration for the app logo when I looked up music style logos.