Top photo: Unsplash, Photo 2 Below: Iphone 11

  • The iphone 11 portrait mode photo is unusually higher quality than the Unsplash photo. The lighting in the iphone 11 photo allowed the camera to get a higher resolution picture, whereas the Unsplash photo, doesn’t show as many intricate details. The camera is very light sensitive, which is the cause of the lower definition in the Unsplash photo because of the darker environment. Although the iphone 11 has shown more depth in comparison between the photos, the Unsplash photo has a higher saturation and vibrance than the iphone 11. The whiskers on the cat in the Unsplash photo have a more defined and vibrant look, compared to the iphone 11 photo of the cat, they are visible, but not as prominent in the photo. 
  • The scan of the newspaper advertisement, compared to the photo of the ad, has a higher resolution and vibrancy. Whereas the photos of the drawing, 3D object, and original photo, have a higher quality resolution than the scans. Scanning the photos causes them to flatten and takes away some of the light depth, but when the iphone 11 camera is used, it preserves the light depth. In the iphone photo of the drawing, the tones of gray in the graphite were preserved, but in the scan of the drawing, the vibrancy was increased, so it removed some of the variation in tones. 
  • To improve the quality of the images, the setting in which the photos were taken in would have to have less disruptive light sources. Improving the environment that the object and photos are being scanned/photographed in, would relieve the problem and make the outcome of higher quality. 



