
  1. When doing this project I learned how to use Figma when created my logo. From there I transferred it Adobe Illustrator which I learned how to place guides from there.
  2. When setting up the project it was doable because you gave us a step-by-step on what to do for the project.
  3. What I felt was challenging was getting the background image on the logo side to have a lesser color scheme.
  4. I believe my submission can be improved by fixing the logo by making each side of the letter A at a perfect ratio.
  5. The professor laid out everything we had to do from video to video. That helped out a lot.
  6. I may apply this to future assignments if I am ever told to make a logo. I would have a background history on it because of what the professor had taught us.
  7. A specific video that helped me with this project was by looking back to the professor’s class videos and seeing how he portrays the specific task