
  1. When doing this project I learned how to use Adobe Premiere and Adobe Illustrator.
  2. When using Adobe Illustrator it was the easiest for me because you showed a step-by-step tutorial in class on how to excel in it.
  3. What I found challenging was getting my pictures on Adobe Premiere to come out crisp and clean.
  4. My submission can be improved by adding more pictures and making the pictures come out better.
  5. The professor may improve the project next time by adding instructions on how to save the file on Adobe Premiere.
  6. I may apply this in the future by having a piece of background knowledge on how to use Adobe and knowing how to use the color snakeskin.
  7. A specific reading that helped me was a book on nature. How it is good for the body to walk around and view beautiful landmarks in your backyard. Also, a video the professor posted last class helped with the layout of the project. 

(For some reason I couldn’t post my video on here but you may find it in the dropbox).