- What did you learn?
I learned how to use adobe photoshop 2023 and all the different tools and little details that go into making a card through adobe photoshop. I learned how to make different backgrounds and gradients, how to insert pictures, and write a poem inside my card.
2. What was easy?
What was easy was adding in the gradients and inserting pictures.
3. What was challenging?
The most challenging part was adding in pieces to my card to make it better. Whether that was adding the outer glow to my text or picking the right color combos on the gradient. It was those little details of making the final product that were the toughest for me.
4. How could your submission improved?
I think my submission could have improved by being a bit more creative in my theme and maybe adding in more little details like more pictures that fit with the theme of my card.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
The professor could improve the assignment for the next class by going slower in the lecture and taking the time to explain the steps a bit slower.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I think for future assignments it will help to have this base of knowledge because I imagine things will just be more and more complicated.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
The reading that inspired me was “Fakes, Frauds, and Forgeries: How to Detect Image Manipulation.” It showed how images can be used to send certain messages or give off a certain idea that can be used to certain end. I hope I can incorporate message through images in my future projects.
8. Post images of your work.