What did I learn? After completing this project I learned about Gestalt and the principles he used to create effective designs. Gestalt’s designs are all around us and it was eye opening to see how much influence he has on logo design today.
What was easy? The platform of Figma is fairly easy to use. Thinking up storytelling in a representational way should have been easy, but got your mind working to think what you could use to depict the nursery rhyme you choose.
What was challenging? It was a bit challenging to implement six principles in the art series of designs. I found myself going back to a couple that were in my comfort zone, but I had to reevaluate some of my designs in order to make work for the assignment.
How could you submission be improved? By choosing the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” I had many primitive shapes that I could use to depict the story more realistically than my peers. Possibly next time I could try to think outside of the box and be more representational and work more abstractly to challenge myself further.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? I think introducing the rule of thirds and the grid tools earlier on in the project could help to create more successful designs.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? By learning the Gestalt principles I could implement his theories into my future logo designs. With his principles I could really see how they draw the views are to a certain area and I think that will really benefit my designs in the future.
How did a specific reading of video inspire you? Throughout the topic my favorite reading that was introduced was one written by Steven Bradley on Smash Magazine. This article really helped me understand the reasoning behind each principle as well as visualize really life example with the “World Wildlife Fund” panda.

Frame 1: The itsy bitsy spider, climbed up the water spout.
The Gestalt principals I used are: multi-stability
The focal point is: the spider
Frame 2: Down came the rain,
The Gestalt principals I used are: repetition, proximity, similarity
The focal point is: the rectangle that is about to hit the spider’s head.
Frame 3: And washed the spider out.
The Gestalt principals I used are: closure, repetition, multi-stability, similarity
The focal point is: the rain overlapping the center of the spider.
Frame 4: Out came the sun,
The Gestalt principals I used are: closure, multi-stability
The focal point is: the middle black space in between the “sun ray” and the black background.
Frame 5: And dried up all the rain.
The Gestalt principals I used are: repetition, proximity, continuation, similarity, multi-stability
The focal point is: the middle set of rectangles.
Frame 6: So the itsy-bitsy spider, climbed up the spout again.
The Gestalt principals I used are: Continuation/common fate, Similarity, Shared Fate
The focal point is: The rectangle the spider is in.