- What did you learn?: For this project, I learned how to represent a metaphor in Photoshop and Figma symbolically. Starting off this project, it was essential to mind map to brainstorm the potential idea for this metaphor. Before beginning your project, I learned how to properly mind map and the benefits of planning thoroughly.
- What was easy?: One part that was easy for this project was creating patterns in Figma was the “pattern hero” plugin. Using symbols representing my metaphor, an elephant and house, and selecting both icons makes a pattern instead of copying and pasting each icon to create a design.
- What was challenging?: One challenging thing was choosing a metaphor and having the viewer interpret it. I first decided, “you are my sunshine,” but the nouns “you and sunshine” were very broad during the brainstorming session. I also found an issue when the image I was combining was a sun and a family, and the sun photo as a ball was needed to convey the piece’s message.
- How could your submission be improved?: I am not a master of Photoshop, so that I would say in the future, with more techniques in shading and combining the images, I could make my project look even more sophisticated and seamless.
- How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?: This project could be enhanced with other lessons on making the photo you are adding look like an existing part of the image with shading and reacting to the lighting in the picture.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?: In the future, I plan the mind mapping process to plan my projects. I am a list lover, and brain dumping helps me process the task. Mind mapping will help me organize my ideas for future projects.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?: Some lessons or videos that inspired me were looking at current ads in tv and media. The reading from Creative Blog shows ads that use pure and fused metaphors to help convey the product’s message.
Below I have included my “mindmap” and my project.