What did you learn?: By completing the summative stamps project, I was reminded of all the topics I had learned throughout the semester. Using color and actively thinking about what the color scheme represents. Also, fonts and font pairing were essential skills I learned in our last project. My favorite thing to do is make fonts look like a texture or a pattern in the background of my stamps.
What was easy?: This project was not necessarily easy, but I was comfortable with the assignment because we had already worked on the topics throughout the semester. One other easy thing was picking a topic. My dad loves everything Buffalo, and it was fun to put these together with him in mind.
What was challenging?: One challenging thing was narrowing down the topics for the four stamps. There is so much you can highlight about Buffalo, and I struggled to pick only four ideas for my stamps.
How could your submission be improved?: I am happy with my submissions, but if I were to do it again, I might be more adventurous regarding font pairings. I used more clean-looking fonts, and a handwritten-looking font would add a nice look to my stamps.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?: I have yet to make any ideas at this time. I enjoyed this project. I would like to know if we can turn our work into actual stamps.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?: This project was an exercise in applying what we had learned throughout the semester into one project. The information I knew about font, layout, and color will be beneficial in any scenario in the future.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?: What inspired me the most was researching the topics for my stamps. When looking up different ideas like Cheerios, I was inspired by the look of the cereal box. Also, when searching the 1901 Pan American Exposition, the invitations and postcards to the event helped inspire my final project.