- What did you learn?: I learned how to construct and deconstruct a package during the lab when designing a gum package. For the first time I also made a 3D mockup for packaging which looks very professional when it comes to doing work for future clients.
- What was easy?: It was easy designing the box on illustrator with the texture as a pattern for the background of the box. I also enjoyed compiling my ideas in a vision board.
- What was challenging? I chose a complex design that was challenging. I think possibly simplifying the design would create a more professional and market ready look.
- How could your submission be improved? My submission is not perfect. I do think the that pattern I made for the dinosaur could be even better to create a seamless look and everytime I went back to the drawing board I would change something different about the design. I would also alter the opacity of the fold lines so they were less visable.
- How could the professor improve the assignment? I think the professor could help more when it came to construction and expectations for cleanliness.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?: This construction was harder than I had planned it to be so making many mockup boxes to perfect the construction was a must. For the future I would make smaller prototypes to waste less paper and ensure the mockup worked.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? When creating my mood board on Pinterest I was inspired by fun looking tissue boxes. The Kleenex brand itself had a whale inspired box with the tissues coming out of the blowhole. I could not help but think about all of the other animals that could put a smile on kids faces when they had a cold.