What did you learn?: By completing this project, I have become more aware of how color schemes are associated with different landscapes and moods. I have also learned to identify various color schemes using the color wheel. After completing this project, I have become more creative with creating landscapes and objects with common shapes. I was previously aware of an analogous and complimentary color scheme, but this is the first split-complementary and triadic color scheme I have worked with.
What was easy?: The part of this project that was easy was the design component. When you are following a specific color scheme, you need to make fewer choices. When wanting to add a different aspect to the composition, I stuck with the colors making either a tint or a shade on the color wheel.
What was challenging?: The easy thing could also be challenging. I love to work with color, so working with the color schemes assigned could also feel limiting. I also had a little bit of a hard time with my “arid desert” composition. I wanted to make sure it was balanced when you looked at it, but because the physical desert is sparse, I had a hard time thinking of fun things to add to it.
How could your submission be improved?: My submission could be improved by sticking with a specific style for all my frames. I am very proud of the realistic look I achieved with the “outer space” landscape, but I don’t think my other frames look as sophisticated.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?: I currently do not have anything I would change.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?: In the future, I will be more mindful of the color schemes: complementary, split-complementary, analogous, and triadic, when working on future assignments. I already love the program Coolors, but now I will know why these colors pair together.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?: I liked the “Dribble” link to Brian Edward Miller’s work. This helped me identify how color schemes are used for specific landscapes to create their true feeling and mood.