What did you learn?
Before this project, I had never used Figma so for me it was a first experience with this software. Moreover I knew a little about gestalt principles, I saw the figure/ground example of the faces and the vase, but the project has taught me a lot. In fact, it has helped me with the conception part.
What was easy?
Using Figma was quite easy, the basics commands are simple and the software is quite clear in its presentation of its options. We are not lost among multiple tools of which we don’t know the usefulness. Figma proposed the necessary for creation without being limited. It is a good software to begin digital graphics and learning the basics.
What was challenging?
For me the challenging part was the conception part. I have some ideas where I find myself in trouble when designing them, either there do not come out the way I wanted them or during the conception I have some issues while create them. Also, for this project we have to use basics forms and I was struggling with making interesting designs. Therefore I tried to improve my first designs to make them a little bit more elaborated and a little less boring.
How could your submission be improved?
I think I have to work on my ideas realization. Maybe spending more time on my sketchbook could help me go further to the essentials of my design and help me with its conception. In addition, I need to work on the placement of the design in the frame to make it more intriguing.
How could the professor improve the assignment in the future?
I know we have seen together with class, other students projects, but it could be great to view more of them all together. These are the old students’ project, on various rythmes, that allowed me open my reflection on my project. Moreover, these projects showed me some aspects of Gestalt Principles, and how to apply them, that I had not thought about. Thus, it gave me a better understanding of what was expected of me and made the instructions clearer.
How might you apply you knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I think I could use my knowledge about gestalt principles in future presentations to make them look more attractive by catching the attention of those who watch it. Also Gestalt Principles are everywhere, so knowing how to apply them can be useful when being in internships. For example in my last internship I had to create a website, or add new categories to an other and I think If I knew how to use Gestalt Principles it would have been easier.
How did a specific reading, video pr example inspire or help you?
The presentation of https://martyblaketeaches.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/gestaltprinciples-lo.pdf helped me picturing more clearly some Gestalt Principles, it shows many examples for every examples thus I was able to visualize principles more broadly. Moreover, I took a look at some projects made years before and it had allowed me taking a step back on my own project and inspiring me. Especially the Itsy Bitsy Spider project.