- What did you learn?
I learn how to use color a correct way, I have always had some difficulties with associating colors together, so learning about the color scheme was really useful. I already had some knowledge about the chromatic circle so I was not lost art first, and then I learnt about the different color scheme. I also discovered more about the use of ‘hex’ with the saturation, brightness…
- What was easy?
It was easy to understand the different color concept and to apply them to create the landscapes, even more because I already had some experience with Figma.
- What was challenging?
For me choosing the right combinaison of color was the challenging part. The desert landscape and the extraterrestrial one were the most challenging landscapes because of the color scheme. I chose analogous colors for the desert desert, which were yellow, yellow-green and green, and the difficulty for me was I wanted to create more figures but I was restricted with its three colors and their variations. About the extraterrestrial, it was more about the theme itself, I wanted to go bigger on it but there were things that were not how I wanted them to look like.
- How could your submission be improved?
If I work better on the association of color along their scheme I could maybe improved my submission.
- How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I really appreciated how we worked at the same time all together on the landscapes. It was truly helpful that the professor created landscapes during the class, to somehow have models.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
Knowledges about colors association, color scheme and how we can create news tone from a first color are some useful skills that I will be able to apply when I will create website, business card or just colorful project.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
I specifically got inspiration from Pinterest: