What did you learn?
Thanks to this project I learn how to create pattern on Figma and on illustrator. Plus, I learn how to create a composition of only one subject with multiple elements on photoshop, like erasing a part of a picture to make it fit to an other picture and create just one. I also learn how to brainstorm efficiently to end with a concept.
What was easy?
Creating the pattern on sigma with icon was pretty easy, the use of the plugins was intuitive and simple.
What was challenging?
For me, the challenge was more about finding the best metaphors to work on. I had difficulties to come out with one metaphor at least. I was at the same time inspired by the one I chose but either they were too popular or I was not satisfied with their representation.
How could your submission be improved?
Maybe I could improve my submission by enhance my pattern for my metaphor or play more with the light of the different pictures to make it more realist.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I found helpful that we materialized the metaphor ‘Time is money’ in class, but maybe if we would had done a more complex metaphor it would have been easier to picture how to create the metaphor.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
It is an interesting and helpful skill to know how to create pattern especially in communication and marketing fields which is what I study. Therefore, I believe I will use those knowledges when creating post, brochure or e-mail.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
For the ‘Love is blind’ metaphor I got inspired by Cupidon: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Cupid
For ‘He is the black sheep of his family’ I look at Pinterest for inspiration :