What did you learn?
I learned to harmonize all the skills I learned during this semester, it was interesting to mix colors, typography, photography and shapes.
What was easy?
For me the easy part was about choosing the theme of each stamp. For this project, I chose France, where we see mostly the city of Paris. Then, I chose Food with Macaron, Architecture with L’Opéra Garnier, Tourism with le Château de Versailles and the theme Fashion.
What was challenging?
The challenging part was to find the color palette I wanted for each stamp but also, mostly it was finding the organization of each element in each stamp. It took me a while to be satisfied with my work. I couldn’t really sketch the project, I had to see the assembly directly on Figma.
How could your submission be improved?
I think I could improve the Food stamp, I am satisfied with what I did but I have the feeling it could be better. Maybe I could improve by taking more inspiration.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I don’ really see a way the professor could gave improve the assignment, the instructions were very clear and we were working with concepts we already knew.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
This project was an opportunity to put into practice all the notions I learned in order to make an interesting composition, so I am sure I will be able to reuse what I learned in future jobs.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
Some pictures that inspired me:
For the Macaron Stamp: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Ffr%2Flisting%2F1119098168%2Fladuree-store-paris-peinture-o-laduree&psig=AOvVaw33t8_i0OIaoXDDZgQYT4oX&ust=1671042288059000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCMCtj-Kb9_sCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF
For the Château de Versailles stamp: https://pin.it/52q4DLp
For the Fashion stamp, it was the Vogue magazines, the fashion shows in Paris but also the designer’s sketches.