1. What did you learn? In this project I learned what it is like to design a website, or at least a template of a website and I also learned how to make my own logo. I have had previous experience with Figma so I was familiar with it, but it was neat to learn new features of it, such as making a master template.
2. What was easy? The easiest part was my resume since I already had one previously made, and the portfolio collage. I know my aesthetic very well so it was very easy to come up with the pictures that I added, with six of them being my own, so this also happened to be the most enjoyable part for me since it expresses my creativity.
3. What was challenging? Honestly nothing was too challenging, this was probably one of my favorite projects I have done in any of my DMA classes so far. The instructions were very straight forward so it was easy to follow along and the actual making of the “website” itself was not challenging.
4. How could your submission be improved? I could maybe make my logo more unique by doing different fonts for each letter or adding more to my “about” page.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? I dont think there is anything that needs to be improved, it was a pretty simple project that gave us creative control.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? This will definitely help in the future when I go to make an actual website of my portfolio because I now know what style I like and how to make each page unique.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? N/A (I didnt see any posted on D2L)
8. Show some images of your work in .jpg or .png format. Include sketches, work in progress, and final images.
My beginning brainstorm of logos, I ended up choosing the one on the bottom left but changed the black “G” to white: