1. What did you learn? I learned how to use two new softwares, Maya and Unreal. Although I only learned the very basics, I learned how to make 3D objects on Maya and how to design a game board on Unreal.
2. What was easy? Honestly this wasnt the easiest project I have taken in this class so far, it was more difficult since I have never been exposed to either of the softwares that we used. The only thing I would consider “easy” is the lab 6 which is apart of this project. It was very easy to just follow your directions and it did not take long to do.
3. What was challenging? The most challenging part was designing the game board. It was hard to match up the walls perfectly with the floor and the other walls and to just make sure nothing was floating. Also, the other challenging part was making the curves of the pawn piece on Maya, it was frustrating after awhile because it was difficult for me to actually get it to curve.
4. How could your submission be improved? Somethings I could do to improve my submission would be adding more objects to my board or maybe making my pawn piece a little more original and unique looking.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? The only hard part was having to use Maya since it was too expensive to download on my own laptop, so it was a little challenging to find time to come in to work on the school computers that have Maya on them.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I now know how the basics of Maya and Unreal in case they happen to come up in future assignments or work scenarios, so I will have a head start on people who have never been exposed to them before.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? N/A
8. Show some images of your work in .jpg or .png format. Include sketches, work in progress, and final images.