Project 3

For my project, I chose to do the psychedelic era and immediately when I looked up the typeface for this time period, Wes Wilson’s posters popped up including his iconic psychedelic font that he popularized. His posters are very flowy, vibrant, distorted, and jam packed so that is what inspired me to make this poster to display his iconic font. Besides using the font that Wilson made, which doesnt have a specific name other than “Wes Wilson font”, I chose to use Cooper Black as the more readable font because it looked good together with the psychedelic font with its bold and rounded look.


  • What did you learn? I learned quite alot about Wes Wilson and what inspired him to make this typeface, and even though there isnt a specific name for the font, it is famously known to be used and made by Wilson in his rock concert posters. His font and posters became so popular to the point where people would tear them down immediately after being put up. I have definitely seen his posters and this font before but had no idea who made it, so it was interesting to learn more about the font, its creator, and the time period it was made in.
  • What was easy? For me, the easy part of this project was deciding which time period I wanted to do, I have always been interested in the 60s and knew I wanted to look into it more to make a cool poster to showcase the most popular typeface used at the time.
  • What was challenging? The most challenging part for me was making the words on the poster warp in a way that makes them fit available space and curve to the other texts, especially with the paragraphs at the bottom.
  • How could your submission be improved? I could improve my submission by adding more detail to my poster or filling in the space better with the bottom half of my poster how Wes Wilson does.
  • How could I improve the assignment for the next class? I dont really think anything needs to be improved
  • How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? If I ever come across a scenario where I need to make a poster using a specific typeface, I have this experience and knowledge to apply it to future assignments or projects
  • How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? Not necessarily a reading or video but the actual posters that Wes Wilson created really inspired the design I chose for my poster in using warped design and filling available space with lettering.
