During the time I spent on my first project in my Digital Design Concepts, I learned how to navigate Figma, and about Gestalt and its design principles. I would not say this project was hard, but it was definitely not easy. The most challenging part was getting certain shapes to align a certain way.
I think my project could be improved by using a little more detail to create a better picture for viewers to have a better understanding of what I am trying to illustrate. Honestly, I don’t think the guidelines of this project need much if any improvement. The rubric was very detailed, and the professor was very open-minded when answering questions.

With this new knowledge I learned from Figma, I can design almost anything that I can put my mind to with the tools Figma offers! The reading “Design Principles: Visual Perception and the Principles of Gestalt”, by Steven Bradley allowed me to gain knowledge and have a better understanding of the principle. This ultimately assisted me in completing my project using Gestalt!