Category: Uncategorized

  • DMA 370 Project 1

    For project 1 we created a music player application through figma. I learned how to create components, and how easy it was to use them effectively. I found trying to have auto layout work correctly challenging. I could improve my submission by implementing more pages to have my app more interactive. I think for the…

  • Project 1

    For project 1 we created a TODO application through figma. I learned how to create components, and how easy it was to use them effectively. I found trying to have auto layout work correctly challenging. I could improve my submission by implementing more pages to have my app more interactive. I think for the next…

  • Project 5: Summative

  • Typography

    For my fourth project, I decided to use the rhyme “Jack and Jill”. The project was meant to use a typographical style and I did that by using different fonts and variations to form the words of the rhyme.

  • Project 3: Image Metaphors

    For my project I chose the metaphor: “Josh Allen is a DAWG”. I chose this metaphor because I am a huge fan of the Buffalo Bills and Josh Allen. For the past 3 years Josh Allen has been playing amazing and the term “dawg” is used to describe someone who is just better than everyone…

  • DDC: Project 2

    I discovered how to mix colors to match a desert-like landscape with a divided complementary color scheme. Making the shapes and designs for the frames to complement the extraterrestrial-looking sceneries was simple; I made planets and stars. Making a color scheme with one color and various tints was difficult since I felt like I constantly…

  • DDC Project 1

    During the time I spent on my first project in my Digital Design Concepts, I learned how to navigate Figma, and about Gestalt and its design principles. I would not say this project was hard, but it was definitely not easy. The most challenging part was getting certain shapes to align a certain way. I…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to DMA Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!