Project 1 DMA 217

What was easy? -> One of the easier tasks for me was the organizational part of the project system management and workflow is a strong suit of mine.

What was challenging? -> One of the more challenging parts of this project was learning how and when to use instances when working with components.

How could your submission be improved? -> I think one of the main ways that i could improve my project would be with more background animation and smoothing between pages. I also think that if i were to actually develop an app like this u would add some sort of graphics to match the color pallet.

How could I improve the assignment for the next class? -> I really enjoyed the process of this project and would recommend it again, but it would be cool if you were to change it to a project that was more interactive like a game.

How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? -> the concept of making the prototype in Figma and to then be developed in actuality is something i think im going to adopt into my workflow for creating videos. Using Figma as a platform to make story boards with interactive layers. This could be great for pitching clients!

How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? -> It wasn’t really a reading that inspired me but an image, my aim was to create an app that look reminiscent of the old IPhone 3GS, also mentioned in a picture shared with me by professor Dunkle.