DMA 212 Project 4 Blog Reflection

In this project I have learned how to draw symbols and use the symbol sprayer tool to spray the symbol at your desirable spot, the shifter tool, the scruncher, spinner and the spinner. I also learned how to make roads using the pen tool, and the skills we covered from lab 8 helped me to do the country banner. It was easy and fun to do the project as a whole. From the project I ever worked on from my dma classes, this project is one of my favorite projects. I really enjoy doing it. If I just had enough time, I will for sure make it more beautiful and complex. The only challenge I experienced is that I did the project twice because I deleted the project by accident when it was 90% done. Therefore after 12am, public safety granted me access to Lyons Hall in order to redo it. But as I mentioned that I enjoy doing it, it didn’t hurt much to do twice. As I remember, at the beginning of the semester I couldn’t use the pen tool properly and after I finished this project I realized that it helped me improve a skill I was having a hard time with.