Project 2 – Ninon MARC

- What did you learn?
I learned to use Figma, it is a fairly intuitive tool to use without knowing it, unlike Photoshop. I also learned to create a site, its pages as well as the links that link the pages together, or that allow to go to another site.
- What was easy?
We already had a template with the footer and header. It made the project easier because I didn’t have to create everything. Then, as I said earlier, I find the platform very intuitive which allowed me to find what I was looking for quickly. I also had my last page idea easily.
- What was challenging?
I had a little bit of trouble centering my titles and lining them up the same. I also had problems when I wanted to move some squares or texts, it moved other things at the same time.
- How could your submission be improved?
My project can be improved by creating a larger protofilio page, by putting in other projects. I could also have tried to put the layout of my last pages on the others, but I felt that this was not what I wanted to propose.
- How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I don’t really see how we can improve because the lab had already allowed us to know figma, and looked like the project. In addition, I was able to have a feedback on work in progress, which allowed me to improve it before rendering.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I had never used Figma, but I had already heard about it many times. Knowing how to use the platform can only be an asset for the future whether it is to create a website or to make creative projects and applications. It is the creative side of this tool that is very practical.
- How did a specific reading or video found outside of class inspire or help you?
I didn’t watch videos but the projects from previous years present on the slides and on comdma were interesting and useful to see what I wanted and didn’t want in my project.
- Link of my Figma :