Project 3 – Ninon MARC

- What did you learn?
I learned how to use Unity. I didn’t know that platform. Without this course, I don’t think I would have understood how it worked because it’s not a very intuitive platform. I also learned to add an FPS controller which allowed me to wander around my world.
- What was easy?
Once I had added my assets, it was rather easy to decorate the plateau with hills, rivers, trees etc. This was the part I preferred. The slides of the course also helped to facilitate the handling of Unity.
- What was challenging?
I had to redo my project a second time because I had several problems with Unity, especially with assets. Looking for my assets, there were many that were either paying or not working. Then, once I understood that, it went well and it became nice to work on Unity, whereas at the beginning I found it complicated.
- How could your submission be improved?
I like my world, but I think that the path the character has to follow is not very beautiful and straight because it was not easy to trace it on the computer. In addition, there are parts of the ground that I have not used. That can be improved.
- How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
We had problems with the initial assets, but the professor immediately reacted when he saw this, he looked for new ones, extended the deadline. I think he will take that into account for next year.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
Having discovered and learned to use Unity is a new asset that is an added value. I can talk about it in an interview or use it in a group project.
- How did a specific reading or video found outside of class inspire or help you?