1. I learned to use Photoshop because it was the first time. I now know how to use layers, cut an image and use it on another background as well as other basics.
2. Thanks to the instructions, I was guided throughout the project which made it easier for me because I was discovering Photoshop. Without that help, I would have had a lot more trouble. I also found my idea quickly.
3. The thing I had the most trouble was to crop some images, despite the different tools offered. I also took some time to figure out how to round off a text.
4. I think the square around my text would have been better if it had been rounded around the edges, like a painting frame. I will also have added some lace on the green edge inside the card.
5. The instructions were clear apart from rounding the text. Otherwise I do not think of improving other points. The WIP session allowed me to ask my questions.
6. I am in a club in my school in France and there is a communication center where the use and knowledge of Photoshop is necessary. So now, I can help them. I can also modify my pictures and the backgrounds, which can be fun. Moreover, knowing how to use Photoshop is a skill that I will have in addition for my future work.
7. I watched the Photoshop videos the professor gave us but other than that, no.