Project 1

  1. What did you learn?
  2. I had done this class before, but honestly was fuzzy on Photoshop tools in general 
  3. I had never made a card before, so learning about that was very interesting 
  4. I had also never used the leveling tool before 

2. What was easy?

  • I don’t know if easy is the word I would use, the step by step instructions were amazing and made everything a lot more clear 

3. What was challenging?

  • I think challenging is a good word, because it wasn’t extremely hard to the point where I was confused but it also was no walk in the park either! 

4. How could your submission be improved?

  • I think if I would’ve gotten my hands on a printer with color, that would’ve been cool. I emphasized the color red a lot because it was supposed to be Valentine’s Day themed, and I always think red! 

5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?

  • Since, I wasn’t directly in the class I think the printing part of this project is kind of confusing. I really liked this project and the idea of a card, but personally the printing process was a little strenuous 

6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

  • Well, now I know how to use photoshop better! Being a communications major, I am going to have to work with graphic designers for ads someday (hopefully)!

7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

  • I actually looked up a few Valentines days videos and I have one from an old roommate of mine and her boyfriend- they were in a field of flowers taking pictures and it inspired the front tulips!