- What did you learn?
- I learned that I should not be making short films anytime soon.
- Premier was my least favorite app that we used, but I LOVED the idea of this project.
- Learning how to splice videos was really cool and I enjoyed both the labs for this project as well.
- Soundtrap is awesome- learning how to make beats and add onto existing loops was so cool.
- What was easy?
- Definitely not, this one was the most challenging because I think Premier is the most advanced type of application we used. Directions were still great.
3. What was challenging?
- Yes, at times I got extremely frustrated with this project.
4. How could your submission be improved?
- The sound portion of my project could have been better. When I first recorded it, I thought it was awesome and fit into a sense of serenity. When I watched the movie back, it was kind of scary sounding!
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
- I wish we would have done more of the animation part, I thought that was SO cool.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
- Creating media is a huge part of the communication field, so I could definitely use some of these tools to help with creating media.
- Also, I have gotten applications for jobs that want to me to create a video of myself and why I should get a certain position.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
- Less of a video or reading, more of just the feeling of being outside.
- I do, however, love the time lapses of flowers blooming- that made me think of the tree in my front yard.