The final project of the semester is creating your own video out of an emotion. I had good film on my phone from the summer so intended to use that because I remembered a video I took that actually quite scared me. I’ve always had a fear of open water and swimming in the ocean. I’ve also never been cliff jumping before. So combining the two when I went to Italy this past summer definitely embodied the emotion of Fear.

The first portion of my clip was the animation that I created with the word fear scrolling across the page. I made the cross dissolve longer so the black of the animation would fade nicely into the next clip. I then added 5 of the clips I would use for the project. I used them in a unique order to show my travels of the trip and to build suspense through out the entire video.

For each clip I used the cross dissolve transition as I feel it is the most visually pleasing to keep the video moving.

At the end I also used the cross dissolve to end the credits theme as I couldn’t figure out how to get the credits to scroll. I felt as if this was an appropriate function for the credits. Lastly I added the sound. The sound track I created at home and honestly took me the longest to create out of this entire project. I used two instruments in garage band and that was the grand piano and the tuba. I feel as if the long notes of both of these instruments captured the emotion of fear very well. the beginning of the audio is slightly different from the rest of the clip as it gradually goes into the clip. All in all I enjoyed this project as I have used adobe premiere before but a lot has changed in the last 10 years since I used the program. It was a good skill to finish out the class with. Overall I learned a ton of information about digital media and the programs we used over the last semester.