- In this project I learned how to use more of the effects on figma. I used the radial and linear effects to create gradients and shadows in my objects. I also learned how to use various color schemes in my landscapes such as analogous, split complimentary, triadic and complimentary.
2. It was easy to navigate around figma after being given demonstrations on the new effects. It also helped with short cuts in regards to setting up the composition of the shapes.
3. The challenging part of this project was patience and time management. I wanted to put in more effort then I usually do as I had multiple concepts I wanted to do within my project. But in the end they all paid off.
4. The positioning of my objects in my project could probably have been different. Using a wider range of perceptive would help. I didn’t have as much time to work on my seascape landscape so I could’ve included more objects and color to the frame.
5. There isn’t much the professor could improve on with this project in my opinion. This assignment allowed for me to explore more with my creativity and imagination.
6. With the new techniques, skills and color theories I have learned in this project I will be able to apply these to future projects to help improve on my final composition overall.
7. The demonstrations and critiques of other projects in this class helped me understand what other ways to approach my project. For instance using the fade in background effect so that an object appears further in distance.
8. In regards to what gestalt principles I used in this project repetition and shared fate. I used in my first landscape through the windows on the buildings. In my third landscape I used shared fate within the tree as the bark of the tree leads to the bird at top of the branch. I used rule of thirds in my last landscape as I wanted the ship coming out of the portal to be the focal point.