Web Design Project

  1. What did you learn?

In this assignment I learned how to design website slides on figma. I learned how to use prototype on figma which creates links to websites and other slides with a click.

  1. What was easy?

Designing the format and content of each slide was relatively easy as I had an idea of how I wanted to set it up from the start. Also having a prompt of the home page already there helped me start of on a basis of something.

  1. What was challenging?

The challenging part of this assignment was linking the social media icons to their corresponding websites. Once I got some practice it was easy to follow.

  1. How could your submission be improved?

I could maybe add more creative elements to my design like changing the color and placement of the font.

  1. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?

Maybe using a different program other then figma to create the website design. Having an application that allows the students to create an actual website with its own link.

  1. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

The skills and techniques I’ve learned in figma will allow me to set up a prototype of a web design/layout for future projects.

  1. How did a specific reading or video found outside of class  inspire or help you?

Other students past website designs helped me get an idea of what our website designs should look like. The lab 5 instructions helped me set up the links to the other social media websites.