I learn how to design the package for drinks Designing a drink was easy Print it out and folding it was challenging for me Experiencing more designing package could improve my project quality Open more in-person classes If I am working for advertisement industry, I could make more attractive signboard The video was very specific… Continue reading Project 3
Project 1 Portfolio
1. What did you learn? I learn how to put portfolio with thumbnails 2. What was easy? Choosing pictures 3. What was challenging Discover how to use html 4. How could your submission be improved? Choose better quality of pictures 5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? Focus more on… Continue reading Project 1 Portfolio
Lab 1 post
Q1. The photo I took was not as good as photo from unplash. The photo from unplash has better quality for lightening and angels. The object look much better with how focus it is and background. Q2. The photo that has been scanned was much clearer than the photo that hasn’t been scanned. The photo… Continue reading Lab 1 post
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