- What did I learn?
I learned how to navigate photoshop and how to use basic tools. the tool I used the most in this project is the selecting certain images in a photo and copy & paste onto my own project. I learned that there are a lot of websites that give out free images to use as you like.
- What was easy?
The only thing that was easy was making the text box and picking out the font.
- What was challenging?
Everything else was hard, adding the ruler guide lines, deciding which words to use, picking which artwork to put into the card and what works well with each other. Even trying to remember which shortcuts to zoom out was difficult.
- How could your submission be improved?
Everything about this card could be approved. the words I chose, the pictures I used and just making everything look more cohesive and put together.
- How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
the assignment was easy but one thing that maybe can be improved is making a sort of vision board or have a clear cut vision of what you want on your card before you actually put the card together. I feel like if I had one day to make a clear vision of what I wanted on my card I would’ve designed it better.
- How might you apply your knowledge in the future assignment or work scenarios?
Getting familiar with adobe photoshop is really important so I will be using everything I learned in this project and apply it to all other projects or work I have that involve adobe photoshop.
- How did a specific reading or video or help you?
The video on how to make a text wrapped around a path was easy to follow.
- Images of Your work