1.What did you learn?
I learned how to use the software Maya and Unreal to make a realistic 3rd person game. Everything I learned in this project was interesting like how to make items in Maya then export them into Unreal, how to build a realistic game in Unreal, and how to make textures and export them into Unreal.
2. What was easy?
After figuring out what I wanted to build it was easy to put all the parts together to try and make a realistic looking coffee shop. Making the texture and importing it to my game was also pretty easy, adding it to my counter inside the shop just adds another cool element in this project.
3.What was challenging?
I tried to make some elements you would see in a normal coffee shop like a counter, coffee machine or even cups but when I attempted to make something in Maya it was really difficult to make anything. I just ended up using the pre-made items in Unreal instead.
4. How could your submission be improved?
If I had more time to learn the program Maya, I could’ve made some more realistic items that a coffee shop would have and make it look better.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I would suggest spending more time teaching Maya so we could learn how to make more items to export them into our game.
6. how might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
If I wanted to do game design both these programs would came in handy to do something like that.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
I looked up videos on how to change colors and textures I used in my furniture items.
8. Images of my work