Project 4 I found to be very fun because it incorporated making music of my own to go along with videos that pertain to my life which I found to be very exciting. IT gave me the chance to make music through audacity and then simultaneously use that music for videos that ultimately gets created on iMovie as I have a Mac computer and that was the easiest application to use at the time being. I really enjoyed this and perhaps this will lead me to making more audio films in the future!
Project 3
I really enjoyed project 3 because I am a big fan of video games, particularly on Xbox, so making a video game of my own was a very fun experience. I had never used Unity before so at first it seemed a little daunting to use, but once I got the hang of it, it was actually very fun and easy to use. I think going into a career path of creating video games would be an extremely exciting thing to consider and this project help me to be one step closer!
Project 1
I really enjoyed learning many different aspects of photoshop. I had no idea there were so many different tools available on the program and it allowed for me to be ver creative in creating a happy birthday card for the project. Some things I thought were challenging was putting each application of the tools together so they were all applied at once. The program also seemed somewhat difficult to use at times due to being very touchy and not always what I wanted. I believe this assignment will help me in the future in many different aspects of photoshop that I may need to use. The pictures I have attached are my project one and with them was the used of many different tools in photoshop, the tool I enjoy using the most is the pen tool.

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