Final images of the Project 1
WIP images of the Project 1
- What did you learn?
I learned that even though I haven’t put any codes for the button it transitions to another frame when clicked on. I could use Prototype to make the transitions, automatically doing the coding for me as I choose the transition option from one frame to the next.
- What was easy?
Picking out the colors, the unique features of the TODO, and tasks.
- What was challenging?
There is plenty from making so many frames, thinking about what to add, and resizing and cropping layers. Trying to create components and not make component layers and frames. When I’m moving something on one frame the other frames copy what it’s doing, despite being named differently. I’ve had kind of a difficult time with this, but this is a new program for me so there’s much to learn
- How could your submission be improved?
I could’ve made the frame background color have more detail. Perhaps add different ways to edit, delete, and add tasks. Could’ve added another frame about the workout after completing a task feature. Such as a figure doing the workout and how many times the person should do it. Lastly, I would make frames more organized.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
Based on the assignment, I’ll only create components for layers that are buttons for example. Have a more concise idea and do not create multiple frames. Learn more about variants.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I’ll take my knowledge and plan out everything. First sketch out what to do first which is the idea. Second how layers to add, third add details, and lastly the final touches.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
There wasn’t anything that inspired me, I just went along with the flow. I never thought about my color pallet and realized, “Oh wait, this is like fire!” and “Fire… what feature would go with this… I’m doing yoga- OH working out!” I did search how to do things like cropping a layer since sometimes using ctrl didn’t work.