- What did you learn?
- What I can do more out of shapes than drawing and just using using black and white for this project. While I like symmetry more I do get being asymmetric having more depth seen in the third frame.
- What was easy?
- Picking which colors will be which for frames and shapes. Picking shapes and building off from that.
- What was challenging?
- Figuring out Gestalt because at the beginning I was thinking multiple ways how to have my design fit one of the principles for each frame and to match the poem. With that and the rule of thirds it left me feeling trapped. I decided to put in what I have then hear the critique from my professor then work from there. And that’s when I decided to not think about it so much and just freely do what I want and I won’t lie, hope that it fits a Gestalt principle. I wasn’t thinking about the principles much later on and I felt more creative.
- How could your submission be improved?
- I could’ve made some frames more dynamic and add more to it. I do like simplicity, but frame 2, 4, and 5 could’ve had more to it.
- How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
- Show examples of Gestalt with different shapes.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
- I could apply it to icons or logos I may create but it would be drawn with a tablet.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
- Searching things on google did help a little bit with making it more interesting instead of it need more or not enough to it. Specifically for frame 5 I had some idea what to do, but seeing a similar image to it I knew what I wanted to do and learned something new in figma.